Friday, April 4, 2008

And that is all she wrote

Yesterday was my last day. I thought I would be sadder. I wasn't. I feel bad for the folks that I left behind.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Will I Get Sued?

No one gets out of clean. Will I get sued? I guess yes. We get excited about our employees after they leave. If we showed so much attention while they were employeed, maybe people wouldn't leave.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lame duck horrors

What do you do after you have resigned from a struggling interactive agency? Good question. It has been two weeks since I have resigned and the news has not yet been announced to our staff. I have new employees starting who report to me and there is no new management structure. It seems odd.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I have a dream

I have a dream, that one day, all employees will be valued for more than the hours they bill. They will be considered more than a full time equivalent. Unfortunately, this is just a dream because I work for a VC funded interactive agency. As a result we work like dogs, we are asked to bill more and work harder. To the VC go the spoils....they own 80%. Welcome to our interactive agency.

We value things like utilization and billable hours over good ideas and smart people. We beat people for working too hard but billing too little. We value meeting project time lines over quality customer service.

Our operations and finance groups lurk waiting for you to stumble. They swoop in and club you with policy and process. They cherish the opportunity.

It hurts to help build a company to see it move backwards when it has a chance to prosper. A resentful hostile environment has blossomed and it is tragic.

Does West Conshohocken sound like a great place to me, it's not. The place is littered by untrusting folk looking for a reason to hit you with a hammer known as process.

We have a leader who is unable to manage change. It cripples him. What is perplexing is that he knows what to do. It is an amazing thing to see.

We call ourselves a strategic healthcare interactive agency. As you can surmise, copy and content are not amongst our strengths. And the pharmaceutical space is a train wreck. Building interactive programs should be is as fun as a tequila hangover.

I am leaving this agency in the next week and it breaks my heart. What could have been? It is a shame for the people who didn't read the non-compete before starting. They are trapped.

Dysfunction, dysfunction, hostility, distrust, management inexperience, paralysis.........This is the real descriptor of our interactive agency in West Conshie......and it's a crying shame. The premier strategic interactive marketing agency serving the healthcare industry..........really?